Tuesday, April 26, 2016

L'Audible Authors!

Thanks to the writers who offered selections of their work to be read for L'Audible Art on May 9. The authors who will read and those who submitted work to be read by Carousel Theater volunteers should take rightful pride in sharing their creativity with the Hot Springs Village Community. Following is a list of the authors, their titles, and the genre of their work.

FirstLastTitle & Genre
Charles HeatelyAllenChapter 26 of Living Nightmares,
Excerpt from novel

SuzanneBratcherGuardians of the Canyon, Excerpt
from Chapter of romantic suspense novel

JerryDavisIt's for You, Humorous essay
NancyForisRegrets, Poetry
ElizabethFosterHusbands Are Handy, Essay
NealaGundersonChildren Are Gone, Poem written for

Charles "Chap"HarperJungle Jane & the Diamond Cave of the
Naked Pygmies, Action/adventure

MarleneKloackThe Old Pear Tree, Poetry
Mary LaughlinAn Ode to the Hot Springs Village Firemen,
Humrous essay
Mary LouMoranBack in Time, Personal story

CaroleOhlsenHamburg's Fish Market, Travelogue/memoir
MyraRushtinAll About Joy, Ruthless, Promises Kept,
and Be My Best Friend, Poetry

CaroleSjolanderTitle to be determined
JohnSwinburnTranslucent, Short fiction
JohnThorpeLeo and Louise on the Flying Trapeze,
Excerpt of novel 

JoannaWilliamsThe Street Car Ride, recollections
as a five year old

MadelynYoungHot Pink, personal essay

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