Here's another reason to write, my friends. Click on the link.
The subject of the article (I hope you read it) is close to me at the moment. I was wondering what keeps me writing, every day, in my blog? My reasons are not so devastating, but even thinking about issues that are bleak without letting them out in some form is a dangerous game. I'd love to hear from someone, anyone, who reads this; what do you think?
"Healing … is change from a singular self, frozen in time by a moment of unspeakable experience, to a more fluid, more narratively able, more socially integrated self" (Writing and Healing, Charles Anderson & Marian M. MacCurdy).
I’ve observed the power of writing and healing many times as a writing instructor. Many students seem compelled, like I am, to write their own gut-wrenching narratives. And many of those writers come out of their secret hiding places, free from their emotional bondage. They experience change and healing—“to a more fluid, more narratively able, more socially integrated self.” And they begin to live new stories, delivered from their “frozen in time” memories.
Karen, I am so pleased to read your comment. Your comments are on target, in my view. We write to explore ideas, of course, but sometimes we write simply to heal. It's true. We write to scour the edges of the scabs that remind us of our wounds, smoothing the pain little by little to become tolerable.
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